Whatch'ya Lookin For?

Monday, January 30, 2012

Um, I'm a wedding photographer?

So. You all thought that my first "all by my lonesome" wedding shoot was in February.
Well you were wrong.
And so was I, as it turns out.

My hubs sent me this text last Monday

"Want to take photos of a wedding on Sunday for free?"

My response:

"Haha. No?"

I have plenty of opportunities to practice weddings all the time.

It turned out that his coworker, Elashun, had gotten engaged two weeks prior and was getting married Sunday.
The only thing she bought was a dress and the rest of the wedding planning, her church was throwing it together.
Josh offered my amateur services as our wedding gift.
Well, alright.
I guess it's no pressure. 
It was either my amateur photos or no amateur photos.
I decided why the heck not. 
I had met her once before and knew she was super sweet.

So we arrived at church yesterday and I patiently waited with my handy dandy (and quite handsome) assistant.
(Amateurs are totally allowed to have assistants FYI)

It seemed like we waited FOREVER.
And then once it begun, it begun.
(now I know I promised all the good and all the bad. But I already deleted all the bad.
oops. But you can trust me, there were plenty of "blurfests")

So, I'll just show off the ones I'm proud of
(...at least for right now. I'm already going back and looking at photos thinking, 
"Seriously, Melissa? That was kind of embarrassing.)
All a part of the process, people

Oh and at this moment, I have a free trial of lightroom going on so that is what I have been getting to play with! if anyone wants to give me a hands on lightroom 101...yes, please.

waiting to walk down the aisle! 

Now my favorites..

LOVE the tat. 

So I just realized this is like 99.9% the bride.
Can you blame me though?
She was stunning. 

So lessons learned. 

1. An ISO of something in between 800 and 1600 would greatly benefit me.
1A. Grainy is better than blurry. Lesser of two evils.
2. having an assistant is great, even if it is only for emotional support :)
3. photographing a wedding is nothing but an adventure
4. I need to be confident and assertive
5. Not so great at posing people. I tell people kind of where to sit and tell them to do what is natural and hope that it looks good.
6. Seeing what a church family can pull off for one another is greatly encouraging
7. I still have A LOT to learn but it was a great experience

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Family Shoot!

It's been a fun couple weeks. 
I've been on break. 
Josh has been on break.
So we play.
Or become semi-permanant couch potatoes. 
Call what you will, I call it a-maz-ing.
Relaxation at it's finest.

Unfortunately, Josh went back to work this past week.
But I did have a few fun things on my to-do list.

1. repaint the laundry room (which was definitely more work than I had bargained for but worth it. I think?)
2. help Jedi Liana get ready for the Bridal Expo (which was total madness FYI) 
3. get some good editing tips/lessons from Jedi Liana

I was just about to get started on painting when I got a call from my friend, who I will call J-Lo just for funsies.
(her name is Joy and her last name starts with lo. I can't believe it has taken me this long to make that connection) 

She had some friends that needed some last minute family photos for their son who had just turned one. 
(Back up, back up....I had met momma and baby before this and knew who she was talking about)
Let me just say this is what went through my head...
"So you are telling me I get to add photos of one of the cutest babies ever to my budding portfolio?"

Two days later I found myself at Anthem park with this fun family.
Here are a couple of my favorites.
You try to tell me he isn't one of the cutest one year olds.

this may be one of my favorites

a treasure that was found in the grass

after a while, it was time to snack on a stick

Love him.
Love the family.
(Learning to) love editing.

Actually, I'm lying. I love editing. It's the user errors that are no fun (and cheap wireless mouses? meece? mice?)
But that will get better over time.
And maybe I'll stinkin stop way OVER ANALYZING everything I do.
I annoy myself.

Oh. and still no zumba job. 
(why is one not just falling in my lap? For real.)
Yep. I'm that (un) cool.
Come join me in my kitchen every Wednesday night at 6:30 to shake what your momma gave ya.