Whatch'ya Lookin For?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

And it begins.

School year has begun and it has begun at full speed.

Josh is enjoying teaching the 3rd grade and I enjoy listening to little quirks he is working out in his classroom. Here is my favorite story to date:

(1st day of school)
Mr. Duerr: Is anyone allergic to peanuts?
3rd Grader Johnny: I am!
Mr. Duerr: Thank you for letting me know, 3rd Grader Johnny.

(Later that night)
Josh: I have a peanut kid. I should probably take the peanut butter out of my desk and bring it home. But we don't have a "Peanut Allergy" sign on the door, so it should be fine
Me: Interesting. Why do we have all these kids with allergies nowadays? Somethings not quite right.

(4th day of school during lunch)
Mr. Duerr: 3rd Grader Johnny, come here for a moment
3rd Grader Johnny: Yes, Mr. Duerr?
Mr. Duerr: How severe is your allergy to peanuts?
3rd Grader Johnny: Huh?
Mr. Duerr: Is your allergy to peanuts really bad?
3rd Grader Johnny: Huh? What? I don't like peanuts.
Mr. Duerr: OK 3rd Grader Johnny. It is OK to not like peanuts, but that does not mean you are allergic. You can just say "I don't like peanuts." Finish eating your lunch.

This story may not be as funny in writing or I am not a good writer or both,  either way it had Josh and I laughing for a solid 5 minutes that night.

And that is reason # 363 why being a teacher is awesome.

Here are a couple pictures from his classroom. The last one isn't very good, put the main point is to show his view from the classroom in mountains (for all you Illinois folk, of course :))

Stories from a DHH preschool teacher to come soon....