Whatch'ya Lookin For?

Monday, September 6, 2010

Latest Collection...

of things going on in my brain.

-I have the best job in the world. I wish I could post videos of the little bittys. They are awesome and I love seeing language develop!!!

-We are pretty anxious for our maybe home to come through. We like it a whole lot and want people to come visit us. Also, I would love to have Thanksgiving there.

-I officially want a Mac desktop. I have one at school. I barely know how to turn it on, but I know it's awesome. One day. Did you know teachers get a discount?? Gotta start saving our pennies.

-I don't like money. It is obnoxious. And stressful. We both work hard, shouldn't we be able to just buy what we need and/or want? Stupid, but very smart, budget.

-Fantasy football is confusing. But should be fun? I'm excited to be doing it with "our family." I love being connected to our friends. Hopefully they will be visiting sometime soon.

-I can't tell if Wrigley is getting bigger or not.

Life is fantastic and we are so incredibly blessed.