Whatch'ya Lookin For?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Grand Finale! Part A

Self Portrait


There are so many things I want to cover that I made part A just in case I forget something and need to make a part B.

So like I said at the very, very beginning.
It's a process people.
I can't believe I have learned SO much and still have no idea what I am doing all at the same time :)

I have learned there are lots of different settings to adjust and what there names are. 
Inanimate objects are beautiful but are getting SUPER boring. Time to move on to people
My husband gets bored really fast when he is my human subject. 
Technical terms like bokeh.
How to appreciate good lighting outside.
It's no fun to take photos inside
I'm too scared to ask people if I can take their photo. Even though I really want to practice.
Editing can really help fix an oops. and I would like to have a better photo editing program.
Apparent some people think I am good at writing. That's hilarious in itself.

Overall though, I feel this accurately describes how I feel when opening my Canon camera bag.

This really is just the beginning of a beautiful friendship :)

I SO completely and naively thought that self portait on the last day would be much easier and way less awkward.
It was horrendous, and I felt like I was doing a trashy myspace photo all over again.
Let's enjoy these gems, shall we?

I wish I could tell you that was all of the not-so-good. 
There was this times about 40.
I don't think self portraits are meant to be flattering or easy.
I've decided it's next to impossible.

They got a little better eventually.

And I will leave you with the two. 
(I guess I can consider that a win...I'm ending this with two photos...of me of all people)
My hubby likes one and I like the other. Can you guess who likes which one?

I don't think the above one is the best. And I don't think it is an awesome photo of me.
But it is the most natural.
and that is my goal.
To capture the natural beauty that does exist in this world.

I have so much more to learn and am so excited to learn it.

Oh and without further ado. 
And much deliberation.
The name of my "yettobenamed" Canon Rebel is


She is named after a housekeeper on a reality show called Flipping Out.
Here is clip of her. (Viewer discretion advised :))
She is spunky and fun and has an attitude and is beautiful
And has an accent.
My camera would be all of those things and more.

Thanks for reading my crazy rants and putting up with me for 30 days.
This happy padawan greatly appreciates it.

Challenge Day 29

Black and White

I may be a few days late. Oopsies.
This one is going to be short and sweet. 

At first I wanted to do feet.
Then I decided to do one of my favorite parts of my husband.
His hands.

With his wedding ring, of course.

It may be alittle bit of a "grain storm" as one of my Jedi's would say.
But I kinda like it on this photo anyways.

See ya soon

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Challenge Day 28


I went for a nice long 3 mile walk this morning.
The second mile and a half I had 3 buddies.
My hubby, our dogs friend Carlos, and yettobenamed Rebel.

Join us on our walk, won't you?

It is mostly brown with some green like this

and some mountains like this

But every once in a while you get a pop of color!
like this...

I spy mr. bee

why hello again, mr. bee

this bicycle is just plain ole' fun

why hello weird little bugs that are thankfully not near our house.

 why hello mrs. butterfly

But here is my favorite from the walk!

I LOVE capturing these beautiful colors.

Want to hear my big birl news??
I got to tag-a-long on a big girl photo shoot with A Moment In Time Photography
I almost peed my pants in nervousness and the excitement that was combined for a magical 20 minute engagement shoot.

This came at the most perfect time.
I'm not gonna lie, I love this photo challenge but inanimate objects are getting old.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Challenge Day 27

From A Distance

Not gonna lie.
I was expecting a fail.
But I actually enjoy this one! Yay!

We drove out specifically to get this shot.
I have never pulled off to the side of the road to get a photo before.
I'm so artsy, it's insane.
This is on a road near our house: Happy Valley.
Who doesn't love that name?
I do think this photo makes the small, fancy Norterra area look much cooler than it really is
But the mountains are wonderful, aren't they?
I LOVE being able to capture beautiful things.

Here are a couple other photos from my roadside adventure

I don't think this is water you should drink

Tiny little purple dot on the right hand side is our Harkins theater. I feel it is necessary to point that out for whatever reason.

Off to enjoy a beautiful (but still too hot) night.

Who is also glad it is Friday?

I have 15 followers now!!

I am still finding it way super ODD that people are enjoying my blog.

I might just be a miniature, blog version of Ellen.
Probably true.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 26

Close Up

So Josh and I went a little crazy and instead of going to our usual coffee house for Thursday date night, we went over to an old favorite, Yogurtini.
If you have yet to try a yogurt bar, you need to go stat. 
They are delish and it CAN BE way healthier and way cheaper than the place that rhymes with "Boldstone."

I got a new something pink photo.

My hubbys delicious, not so healthy, treat.
Now technically, I could also use this as my close up for today.
I can't cheat you like that.
So here is a close up of their beautiful huge cup.
Or should I say bucket.

Here are a few other photos from our date tonight. 
This was the first time I have ventured out in public with my yet to be named Rebel 2Ti
(who is thinking "yettobenamed" is starting to sound like a good name)

pretty AZ sunset

not much healthier than Josh's yogurt treat

If you haven't noticed by now
I take a lot of awkward photos.
A lot.
Some say cute, I say awkward.
But I realized I haven't posted any of Josh's awkward photos.
So in all fairness...

FYI he is aware that I am posting a not great photo but he has not seen it yet.
I think it will be better as a surprise. Don't you?
So if you happen to come back in ten minutes and it's gone....:)

Also, I should probably get some sort of mula for all the advertising I'm giving Yogurtini. Obviously my 2 devoted followers will make a huge change in their profit.

I forgot to mention two things yesterday!

1. Happy first day of fall!!!! Yay! That means I get to start decorating my house!

Thanks Target dollar section!

2. In one month from yesterday, I will be a certified Zumba instructor. 

Which means I will be in full swing pre-mid life crisis.

Bring it on.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Challenge Day 25

Something Pink

But not necessarily the fault of my "photography skills"
I can handle that.

So here's the story.

Last weekend we were with our friends. They made us some chicken.
This chicken was pink.
Like VIVID pink.
I was slightly weirded out at first.
But it tasted so dang delicious!
And it was just from a seasoning packet in the Asian section of the grocery store.
According to my friend, it was "easy to find"

OBVIOUSLY I had found my day 25: something pink.
I ventured to the nearest Albertsons to find what surely would be called 
"vivid pink tasty chicken seasoning"
No such luck.
I got the closest thing I could find.

Not pink.
Not pink at all.
(and not as tasty)

But see? Not my fault!

I thought 
"Well, as long as I am taking photos of non-pink food I may as well add the rest of my dinner."

That's right.
Don't judge.
Just let it be.

You'll notice I have no "X-large" photo today.
I just can't commit to my day 25 photo.
I'm hoping to come back with a vengeance tomorrow.

Hubs and I are taking our weekly coffee date night over to Yogurtini tomorrow night. 
Surely we'll find something fun and pink to take a picture of.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Challenge Day 24


I knew it was gonna be hard with our little monster. 
But I didn't know it was going to be this hard.
It was kind of ridiculous.

This isn't even a small fraction of the amount of horribleness I got.
The ratio of bad pictures to not so bad pictures was about 50:1
After a while, I asked for hubbys help.
He was a tad busy with principal school.
As soon as I would figure out the ISO and Aperture and Shutter Speed, he would move!
Darn you, dog!!
I was making all the oddest and loudest sounds in the world to try to get him to look at the camera.
He lost interest in that WAY too fast.

After talking with Liana, one of my Jedis, she confirmed my theory.
You need multiple people to do animal shoots.
And she gave me some good tips.
Maybe next time.

So, here ya go!

If there is irony in real life, this is it.
( I was taught by my high school English teacher that there is no irony in real life. It can only be created within story lines. Otherwise it's called a coincidence. Take that Alanis Morissette!)
I chose the one decent photo where he is not looking at the camera.
I'm no sure why I was so set on him looking at it.
But the under the table shots are kind of fun to look at.

Here a couple other somewhat decent and/or funny from today.
I'll let you decide which category they fall under.

this is his favorite position to be held. seriously.

And since we're on the subject of this crazy animal named Wrigley, here are a few others of him from this past month.

2nd ever photo from yet to be named Rebel 2Ti

another favorite position of his.

Who knew an 8 pound ball of fur could bring so much laughter in your life?
I love my little family.

I forgot! It is Tuesday, September 20th.
Glee is back.
Time to get my Gleek on!
I absolutely love turning into a 13 year old for 1 hour a week.