Whatch'ya Lookin For?

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Challenge 3 & 4

Today is consolidation day: 2 in 1.
(as many more may be. Teacher life is busy, peeps)

Day 3: Clouds.
 I wasn't sure clouds would be provided for me yesterday. But they were. Thanks God, that was kind :)
Otherwise, I would have had to be all artsy about it (My hubs had a great idea, this whole camera thing might be bringing out his inner-artist as well. I like it)

Day 4: Something Green
 This is my juice this morning. Yummy!
Kale, spinach, carrots, and lots of apples. lots of them are needed to balance out the veggies.
And I enjoy this picture. I know it's just a cup. with juice. on a counter. But I like it and will be proud of it.

Also, expect a future blog on all of my photography "Jedis". 
that's right. that's what I am calling them. even if they don't know it quite yet.
They need a shout out stat.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Challenge Day 2

What I Wore Today.
Well, it's a Monday. So the more like pajamas, the better. 
Enter this comfy dress.
Perhaps not the most flattering, but Pre-school is not about flattery. It's about comfy in every way possible.

Here are my oops-a-daisies:

Ok. Wait. Let me be honest. Again, this was awkward. And I don't know if I actually got a good photo or not. So I kinda guessed which one was good (newbie here, k?).
Ok, let's proceed and I will be more honest. The ones I THINK are my oops-a-daisies:

Why, hello camera strap. I could probably crop it, but I like things authentic :)

So here is the one I decided on for the day. The best one? Not sure.  I'm not too impressed but here ya go!

Oh! I forgot my zoolander. Entertainment for everyone involved really.

I'd say it's appropriate to leave you on this awkward note.
Have a wonderful night, friends!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Challenge Day 1

In order to get use to this whole taking photos thing, I am doing a 30 day challenge.
This one, to be exact.
I don't even know what some of those fancy words mean, but that's OK. I'll learn and figure it out.
If you notice day one, you will see the word self-portrait.
Now that's tricky, you see. I signed up to take pictures of other things and other people.
After a lot of hemming and hawing, I chose to take pictures in our bedroom for a variety of reasons: 

1. I could get some decent light
2. I like the color on our walls
3. I could be alone with the awkwardness that involves taking a photo of yourself

At first it was really awkward. Like really, really awkward.
(I promised the bad, so we can laugh together, remember?)

It's a little difficult to post such bad pictures, but I did promise.

Then, eventually, it got a little better.
And a little more fun too.

And not so awkward.

 So this little diddy above is my first official photo for my 30 day challenge. 

Things I have learned through this process already:

1. It's gonna be a lot work and a lot of practice
2. Change lenses quickly
3. Be ware of dogs licking your lens. True Story
3.A. I need to invest in something to clean my lens
4. Editing takes a long time
5. I like playing with the contrast
6. I gotta build up some confidence behind the lens and in front of the lens

All in a hard days work