Whatch'ya Lookin For?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 26

Close Up

So Josh and I went a little crazy and instead of going to our usual coffee house for Thursday date night, we went over to an old favorite, Yogurtini.
If you have yet to try a yogurt bar, you need to go stat. 
They are delish and it CAN BE way healthier and way cheaper than the place that rhymes with "Boldstone."

I got a new something pink photo.

My hubbys delicious, not so healthy, treat.
Now technically, I could also use this as my close up for today.
I can't cheat you like that.
So here is a close up of their beautiful huge cup.
Or should I say bucket.

Here are a few other photos from our date tonight. 
This was the first time I have ventured out in public with my yet to be named Rebel 2Ti
(who is thinking "yettobenamed" is starting to sound like a good name)

pretty AZ sunset

not much healthier than Josh's yogurt treat

If you haven't noticed by now
I take a lot of awkward photos.
A lot.
Some say cute, I say awkward.
But I realized I haven't posted any of Josh's awkward photos.
So in all fairness...

FYI he is aware that I am posting a not great photo but he has not seen it yet.
I think it will be better as a surprise. Don't you?
So if you happen to come back in ten minutes and it's gone....:)

Also, I should probably get some sort of mula for all the advertising I'm giving Yogurtini. Obviously my 2 devoted followers will make a huge change in their profit.

I forgot to mention two things yesterday!

1. Happy first day of fall!!!! Yay! That means I get to start decorating my house!

Thanks Target dollar section!

2. In one month from yesterday, I will be a certified Zumba instructor. 

Which means I will be in full swing pre-mid life crisis.

Bring it on.

1 comment:

  1. love your photos, but more importantly: you are going to be a zumba instructor?! JEALOUS!! I love zumba. its the only way I can exercise. I will now be living vicariously through you :)
