Whatch'ya Lookin For?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Challenge Day 23


I teach preschool children who are deaf and hard of hearing.
Don't get me wrong. I LOVE teaching children
But every (not-so) great once in a while
I arrive home with my patience tank on almost empty.
Such as today.
Josh picked me up
(we carpool. we're just that cute)
I mumbled something along the lines of "not ready to talk"
turned the radio off and reclined the chair.
And remained silent for at least the first 30% of our car ride home.

this is a typical Monday afternoon.
I lead a glamorous life, people.

Life gets much better when I get to take some photos near the end of the day.
I find it somewhat relaxing.
Although I was somewhat frustrated with sunflare today.
Like I said, my patience tank was empty and I was ready to curl up in bed and sleep for the night.

Want to know something else fun?
I think the "B" key on my computer is on it's way out.
I got a long way to save before (it just took me 4 tries to get that b) I get me my Macbook Pro.

Anyhow! Here is my photo today.

Anyone recognize the handsome model??
You got it!

Just jokin, but I do think he is one mighty fine lookin cactus.

Here are a few others from our miniature shoot.

work clothes hubby

taking modeling tips from Frank. reliable source.

I think his patience tank may have been low as well.

It's 103 degrees today.
For real.

It is one of the 15 out 365 days I am jealous of my Illinois peeps.

I am so incredibly ready for Fall.
Bring on the pumpkins, cooler weather, and hot drinks!
Pumpkin spice latte anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for your low patience tank day :( Your photos look great though!
